Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My Pet Peeves

Hmm...What to say, what to say...
Well, let's get started here. One of my friends used to gripe about not being able to even get a job interview because he never finished high school or even got his GED. I used to think he was over reacting. Lately, however, due to my own circumstances, I'm beginning to see what he means. What do I mean by that? It's like this -- I've been mostly unemployed for about 6 months now and I've been trying to get a job. The problem is that most employers don't bother trying to find out what you can actually do, they just ask for certifications.

Certifications, what am I talking about? Well, as a PC Technician (which is what I do) you can go to various certification companies, like Comptia (http://www.comptia.org) take a test and get a piece of paper saying you know how to fix a computer or whatever. My feeling is that one shouldn't need a piece of paper stating you know how to fix a computer.

One of the certifications you can get is called an MCSE. I'm sure there are a lot of good Microsoft Certified System Engineers out there. The problem I have with that certification is that there is nothing to prevent you from using that title from now until you drop dead without getting any continuing education. Doctors and other professionals have to certify to the state licensing boards that they are keeping up with the latest techniques and treatments, etc but there's no agency that does anything like that for technical people like myself.

That is to say, you could become a Windows 2000 Server MCSE and while you're supposed to get re-certified when the next generation of Microsoft Windows comes out, there's just no way to know for sure.

Now my previous employer, when I was hired, at least took the time to do some testing and find out if I knew anything about doing the job I was being hired to do. They had a sample certification test that they had me take. That's all I'm asking for, is a chance to prove that I can fix a computer.

In my not so humble opinion, too many employers rely solely on whether one has these certifications and don't bother looking beyond that to see if 1) you really can do the job you're applying for and 2) If you are certified, whether you are up-to-date on your certifications.

Anyhow, that's just my considered opinion! Feel free to let me know what YOU think.